Thursday, December 4, 2008


A major change in the links list this week.

I have officially moved all my photography to MySpace. There are a lot of reasons, mainly the free storage and far more creative freedom in the organization of my work.

The link in the column at right will take you to my profile page. Click on "pics" underneath my profile picture to see the albums.

Its going to be a very busy month around here, but I think in the end it will all be well worth it.

What if?...Dogs were the only creatures capable of swimming?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Three Golden Rules

Its always late at night, it seems, that I start to feel down on myself.

This journey is emotional, and spiritual. And the most important things I've learned are that

1. There is no such thing as an easy Brick Wall. There is no such thing as climbing the mountain, pursuing the dream, without it being hard now and again. Maybe hard is the wrong word. Maybe "challenge" is a better choice.

2. I am no one but myself. The decisions I make are my own, which is a different issue from recieving support. Thankfully, my loving family and my wonderful friends are always there in support- though I try not to make it apparent how badly needed it can be at times.

3. The sky was blue then. The sky is blue now. As a storyteller, an artist, a young person seeking life and love and security, there is only hope if I allow there to be hope- and without hope, we have nothing left. The term "blue sky" can apply to life as well as the creative process.

If you're planning on showing up, as always, bring lots and lots of blank paper!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

An Introduction

Welcome to What-If-Labs. While Foundations of Magic is forever dedicated to my profession of attraction and show design (placemaking), What-If-Labs is my personal "what if?" space.

Here, you'll find discourse more related to my personal life and thoughts.

This blog will also be a showcase for the photos I've taken across the United States and Australia, as I plan to use them to illustrate my articles.

I hope you'll come with me on this bizarre journey, as I undertake my first steps into the scary world of adulthood.

Song of the Day: Open Your Eyes/Snow Patrol