Monday, October 25, 2010

Now Playing

This is what I'm listening to lately - a lot.

The Alternate Routes (seeing them, January 4th in Tampa)
The Gaslight Anthem (saw them, October 4th in Orlando)
Everclear (saw them in April at Velvet Sessions)
Sons of William (Must visit Louisiana to see them, soon).

Listen to them. They're all amazing.

Had my interview today for the new job - and it was extremely stressful. A two hour timed test - but I think I aced it. I'll know by friday....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's All Happening

There's a lot of things happening. This is happening, this is happening, this, and this.

Oh... and this, soon.

I'll very likely be moving to that latest "this" full time in the near-to-distant future.

and lets not forget this:


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Coming Home

It's been awhile. By a while, I mean 21 months. That's as long as it took me to get my college degree. Yowza.

Anyway, this one is simple. I'm writing a film right now about skydivers, among other topics, and I found the photo below - it reminds me of the future. Hopefully.

Please come back to me.